UNIPAKHELLAS and SARKK: Unburdening the Return Process

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UNIPAKHELLAS and SARKK: Unburdening the Return Process

With E-commerce and online shopping taking center stage and pulling a remarkable market share of sales in the past couple of years, packaging requirements evolved and the packaging industry adapted and elevated the solutions to consider the new rules and processes in today’s world.

SARKK ABEE was in need for a packaging solution that can survive the uncertainty and unpredictability of the returned orders that goes back to the warehouses of the Calvin Klein online store. UNIPAKHELLAS was up for the task.

Based on the needs and the proposal provided by the calvinklein.gr team of SARKK ABEE, UNIPAKHELLAS used its experienced and qualified staff as well as the latest technology equipment available, recreating the box that will serve as a delivery and return box.

The Resealable box
We uplifted a standard delivery box and strategically introduced double sealing tape and one-tear tape to the flaps, turning it from a one-way package to a return solution. The new box ensures the returned parcel will endure the strenuous supply cycle while remaining securely sealed.

The widespread success of the “Resealable Box”, or in fact the guarantee of success for any innovative collaboration and product enhancement, leans mainly on two characteristic pillars: An open minded, progressive retailer and a capable and knowledgeable supplier.

Our project with SARKK ABEE stems from the core source of any collaboration: An unfulfilled necessity, in this case a proper box for returned orders, once successfully created by the supplier, will solve a major pain point.

With this box, we helped SARKK ABEE guarantee the customers of the online store calvinklein.gr maximum satisfaction and making their experience with returns more pleasant, and we assisted in lowering the damage and losses costs often linked to returned orders.

Furthermore, with SARKK ABEE now making all their boxes resealable, we have contributed to the protection of the environment by supplying a box to reuse multiple times by the consumers.

Watch the video to know more about the box!