UNIPAKHELLAS: “One identity” for all your corrugated needs


UNIPAKHELLAS, with its successful presence in the Greek market of paper and packaging and under the umbrella of the INDEVCO Group, keeps upgrading its structure at all levels, highlighting its unity. Mediterranean s.m S.A and PAKO, now respectively under the name of UNIPAKHELLAS North and UNIPAKHELLAS Central, adopt “one identity” reflecting their wider family’s innovative spirit, environmental consciousness, and respect to the communities where it operates.

The concept of sub-branding under “one identity”, signifies each entity’s geographical operation and further enhances the way of providing a wide range of diversified products and services, making a difference to the local paper and packaging industry. Through an innovative production and supply chain processes and always with respect towards the environment at all levels of operation, all corrugated packaging needs are met effectively, directly responding to each client’s needs, at any sector.

Corrugated is the most sustainable option when it comes to packaging needs and Unipakhellas by being a recycled paperboard manufacturer and converter, shows its commitment to sustainability by adopting the circular economy model.

After all, today’s corrugated packaging is perfectly circular: it’s 100% recyclable, bio-based and biodegradable.

In fact, corrugated packaging is one of the most recycled paper products in practice today, with a well-established market for secondary raw materials. Efficient recycling processes allow fibers to be reused for new packaging.

Delivering services of top quality, UNIPAKHELLAS through “one identity” for all your corrugated needs, highlights its leading role in the industry, reflecting the human centric and environmental values that it embraces. “One identity” for all your corrugated needs, preludes a future full of hope, opportunities, and ambition.

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